SF&F Translation Awards Decided
The 2011 Science Fiction & Fantasy Translation Awards were announced in Stockholm, and while Kurodahan Press had two publications (one book, one story) in the finalists, unfortunately we didn't take the prize.
The long-form winner was A Life on Paper: Stories by Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud, translated by Edward Gauvin from the French and published by Small Beer Press.
The short-form winner was Elegy for a Young Elk by Hannu Rajaniemi, translated by by the author from the Finnish and published in Subterranean Online, Spring 2010).
As it happens, I haven't read either of these (although I intend to!), but by a curious coincidence I have read one of the other finalists: The Golden Age by Michal Ajvaz, translated by Andrew Oakland from the Czech and published by Dalkey Archive Press.
My congratulations to the winners, to the other finalists, and especially to the fine people who organized this award. I hope that it helps bring more outstanding works of SF&F into English, and contributes to a wider recognition that there ARE other languages in the world besides English!