This important work of Japanese science fiction presents the story of Yūichi, a youth who escapes the regimented world of Japanese society for the beauty and freedom of Aphrodite, a floating island city built by the visionary Mr. Caan. Excited by the seemingly limitless potential of Aphrodite and confident of his own future, Yūichi encounters a new world: friendship, responsibility, love, and growing up.
Seen through the pattern of Yūichi’s life, however, is the evolution and development of the true heroine of the work: the island city Aphrodite--ever beautiful, ever filled with the limitless energy of creation. And as the global economy spirals downward, leaving Aphrodite a deserted slum slated for destruction, perhaps Yūichi is the only person who can save her…
Ideal for young adult readers, but with a philosophical depth to make it a thought-provoking and rewarding book for adult readers as well.
- While Aphrodite is on the brink of disastrous uncertainty regarding its future as a seafaring city of welfare and camaraderie, the cusp of reality encroaches upon Yuichi and soon the cusp broadens into a crack, a crevice, an expanding chasm of doubt. This doubt plagues him; the years of lost love and lost hope age him immediately when reality sinks in: Aphrodite isn't perfect and is no longer viable. [...] Aphrodite is an introspective foray into escapism and caged hope in conflict with reality.
—Michael Dalke, Tongues of Speculation
- iv, 178 pages
- Trade paperback 5” x 8” (127 x 203 mm)
Softcover: 978-4-902075-01-4
ebook: 978-4-902075-37-3 - Cover: Kobayashi Osamu
- Amazon (free shipping in the U.S.)
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- Also available as a Kindle ebook from Amazon
- Bookstores and university buyers (contact us directly)
Yamada Masaki has been a leading figure in the Japanese literary world for decades, with an extensive list of titles to his credit in general fiction, science fiction, mystery, and adventure. He has won a variety of prestigious awards, including the Seiun Prize (the Japanese equivalent of the Hugo Award) four times, Mystery Writers of Japan Award, and the Nihon SF Taisho Award (the Japanese Nebula).
read more about Yamada Masaki here